Here’s to YOUTHING
Slowing down the ageing process can be called “youthing”, and is one way to enjoy a longer, more fulfilled life, while raising your consciousness at the same time.
The human body is actually designed to live to at least 120, some say to 140 years – I kid you not! Average life span today is only around 85 years, and that’s if you’re lucky. With proper training, however, and by following nature’s intent, it is not difficult to see how we can add another 50 years onto that!
To incorporate the youthing process into your life requires just 20 minutes a day for exercise and self-hypnosis. Not much to ask, to qualitatively extend your life by up to an extra half-lifetime!
No drugs, surgery or artificial elements of any kind are necessary in this youthing process ….and in some cases, the ageing process can actually be reversed! By following some simple techniques and recommendations, a longer and happier life is only a heartbeat away.
When it comes to youthing (as opposed to ageing), it is clear that the most significant differences lie in the choices we make many times a day, i.e. the decisions about what we eat, how we move, how we treat ourselves, plus the inner tapes we play in our heads as we drift off to sleep at night. If you are age 50 or so, you can expect to add 25 to 50 quality years to your life by adopting this as a new program. Those of you under 30, could see this figure swell to a huge 45 to 65 years on top of that!
It is the immune system that is key to slowing down the ageing process. It is one of the first bodily systems to deteriorate with advancing age. Consider the following examples of what happens to the human body as the immune system starts to falter: typical diseases of ageing, such as arthritis, heart disease, cancer and pneumonia, occur only after the immune system begins to lose its potency.
When the ageing immune system loses its efficiency in cleansing the body of defective and dead normal cells, this buildup of cellular junk facilitates the ageing of all the other organs. The immune system then begins to attack the body itself (through auto-immune diseases, such as arthritis), upon ageing. Scientists believe that the same genes guiding the ageing process also control the immune system.
The important thing to understand about the youthing process is that the use of self-hypnosis increases the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) by the adrenal cortex. DHEA has been shown to increase the immune system’s response to most of the diseases commonly associated with ageing and if that isn’t a reason to learn more about youthing, I don’t know what is!!
Throughout my career as a wellness coach, I have always emphasized the power of natural approaches to all healing. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, so long as we learn to discipline the mind and keep it out of the way when needed. As I most definitely do not recommend DHEA supplements, how do we increase the body’s natural DHEA production and slow down the ageing process without resorting to drugs?? The answer: to practise self-hypnosis.
Stress and negative emotional reactions have been linked to suppressed DHEA levels, and relaxation techniques such as hypnosis and meditation are proven as useful, practical solutions. By altering brainwave patterns, hypnosis has been proven to increase the efficiency of the adrenal glands and gonads to produce DHEA from cholesterol, and regular practitioners of such techniques, over a number of years, most definitely look and act years younger than their chronological age.
Hypnosis shares many commonalities with other altered states of consciousness, such as transcendental meditation (TM) and yoga, both of which are well known for slowing down the ageing process. So, people, let’s stop talking about ageing, and remain focused on our “younging” or “youthing”, shall we? We all have a choice and I know what mine is! We don’t grow old; we just keep growing!