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Energise and Realise...

As we leave the winter behind and embrace the spring, notice where your energy is going – is it flowing outward or flowing in? Your momentum is directly related to the energy connections you have with yourself and your world. Ask yourself, with whom and with what are you connecting? What is giving you a buzz and what is draining you? Make your energy work for you to get what you want out of each and every day. Notice where you give it and where you take it from – think of it as a bank balance – are you in energy credit or always depleted and in the red? Get back to nature and taste the rain (that continues to fall!) feel the earth crunch under your feet, consider what you see in the sky above your head, smell the sea (or the suburban air!) and listen to the sound of the birds first thing in the morning. Whilst it might help to live in the country, you don’t have to, to experience all that’s free in the world. Be mindful and pay attention to all that’s around you – acknowledge the gifts you’ve been given and consider how lucky you are to be living on the most beautiful planet in our solar system!

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