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April – the time to hunt treasure and not be a fool!

This month’s consideration: Company or Solitude?

Even the most sociable of people need solo time, and the most self-reliant of loners need someone to talk to. Don’t fall back on excuses such as, “I’m hopeless with people” or “I hate eating alone”. Anyone can add to their repertoire. You don’t have to become a chat-show host, just someone who’s at ease in other people’s company. Learn to enjoy your own company, too. Solitude is certainly nature’s best restorative power, so seek some out this month and discover what an Easter treasure hunt can really provide.

This month’s Affirmation

“I’m comfortable in the company of others and also content when I’m alone. I see the benefits of both sociability and solitude.”

This month’s Practice: Being Alone

You’ll be nobody’s best friend unless you’re a friend to yourself first. Every day, spend at least half an hour completely alone. Take a bath or go for a walk, or just sit perfectly still. Turn off all distractions and potential disturbances – the TV, radio, computer and phone. Check in with your body: is it tense, relaxed, or in pain? Check in with your thoughts: are you anxious, happy or distracted? Just accept whatever state you’re in. Don’t attempt to change it, simply watch it change on its own.

This month’s Project: Good Company

Go ahead all, especially you lonely hearts – throw a party! If inviting 10 or 20 people over is more than you can handle, ask a few close friends to join you at a show, museum, jazz club, arts festival or other favourite place. The point is to become comfortable relating with others. If you’re already the life and soul of the party, practise turning down the flame a bit. Go on a solo date: see a movie by yourself and, yes, even head for that restaurant alone and eat on your own! Don’t be fooled in your search……that treasure you’ve been hunting?……and all the power it can bring?? It’s already there, right inside of you!!

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