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Cleaning our energy channels


A shower in the morning and a bath at night? What about cleaning our energy channels?!!

Millions of people suffer from illnesses that the medical profession is unable to diagnose and can therefore offer no treatment. They view the body purely in its physical form and fail to understand the importance the body’s energy field in maintaining health. Over time, the resultant blockages in our energy field can lead to physical ailments, inner emotional turmoil, anxiety, panic or just an overall lack of energy vitality.

It has been scientifically proven that every living creation is made up of electro-magnetic energy that vibrates at different frequencies. You may have heard this described as an ‘aura’ around the body, or ‘chi’ energy flowing through the body, vital if we are to maintain our health and wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. Negative energy frequencies create blockages in our energy field, stopping the natural flow of energy throughout the body. Chakra balancing breaks down these blockages and re-establishes the flow of energy throughout the body, thereby restoring the body’s own natural healing mechanism.

It is difficult for human beings to wholeheartedly believe in the existence of something they can’t see and yet we forget how many things there are in the world that we accept without question, all invisible to the naked eye: the wind, gravity, our emotions – they all exist. In the same way, we are also able to feel either a vitality or a lack of energy flowing through our bodies. This energy has long been known and studied in the East – China, Japan and India, in particular. Western medical science has only recently started to appreciate how important this energy is to maintaining our health and wellbeing – and at last, some doctors are now even recommending patients to see an energy therapist!

So, the next time your body is dirty, feel free to have a quick wash, a refreshing shower or even a long hot soak in the bath. Remember though, just as we need to expel all our bodily waste matter (sorry about that!), we also need to do the same with our negative thoughts, all toxic exchanges and any grudges we may be holding or have harboured over time – such feelings always find a way to get stuck in the body, eventually manifesting as all manner of illness, disease, pain and infection.

If you’d like to learn more about energy channels, how to keep them clean and regain greater harmony and balance in your life, please contact us at: [email protected]


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