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How to nap like an expert!

With the workings of the subconscious mind serving as a completely self-absorbing passion for me, it’s no wonder that hypnotherapy is now an added string to my bow! Whist I’d prefer to leave the benefits of entering an altered state of consciousness for another occasion, there’s no denying the brain-boosting power of having a nap, the concept of which I’d be delighted to share with you right now!

Naps are generally uncommon in the Western world, where nodding off while the sun is out seems to be bordering on the vaguely scandalous! Recent studies suggest, however, that naps can break up the tedium of routine work and significantly improve the brain’s attention and performance. With new and more stylish napping trends gradually making the practice more acceptable these days, we have power napping and even caffeine naps as 21st century ways to recharge our batteries.

The secret to getting a good nap is to break it off before you enter the deepest part of your sleep cycle. If you make the mistake of dipping into delta waves, i.e. delta state, you’ll wake up groggy and stagger through the rest of the day, which is why some people refuse to even consider napping. On average, a 20-minute nap leaves the brain lightly refreshed, which is why you’ll find our expert nappers never falling deeply asleep – instead they simply drift off and enter into a light, trance-like state for the duration of their doze. The added bonus of staying with the alpha waves in this daydream-like, alpha state, almost on the edge of sleep, means that the creative juices flow freely and you wake up with a super-charged brain full of brilliant ideas! This well-placed nap can truly stave off mental burnout and keeps the brain sharper for longer periods of time.

Nappers have different techniques to prevent deep sleep, including the brute force approach of an alarm – not my style, I hasten to add! I much prefer the gentler and more innovative notion of sleeping in a slightly upright position to avoid entering into deep sleep! Some daredevil nappers even down a mug of coffee before settling down for a nap, using the caffeine as a sort of alarm clock to wake them up in a short while!…..again, each to their own – you’ll find your own way that works best for you as long as you persevere in giving it a go.

If you’re getting a regular, good night’s sleep, it’s perfectly do-able to train yourself to wake up after 20 minutes as a matter of course. Practise, practise, practise and secure the real benefits of an improved memory, clearer focused thinking and sharper periods of concentration, all neatly packaged in your new, relaxed demeanour! By having naps on a regular basis and following these brain pick-me-ups with a refreshing cup of tea, you can swiftly return to peak performance, expertly dealing with the business in hand!

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