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Inspirational Winners


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I am so very accommodating

I ask no questions.

I accept whatever I am told.

I do not presume to change anything you think, say or do. I file it all away in perfect order, quickly and efficiently and then I return it to you exactly as you gave it to me.

Sometimes you call me your memory.

I am the reservoir into which you toss anything your heart or mind chooses to deposit there.

I work day and night, I never rest or switch off and nothing can impede my activity.

The thoughts you send me are categorised and filed away and my filing system never fails.

I am truly your servant who does your bidding without hesitation or criticism.

I co-operate when you tell me you are “this” or “that”. I have no mind of my own, nor do I have a sense of humour. I believe you totally and play it back as you gave it. I am most agreeable.

Since I do not think, argue, judge, analyse, question or make any requests, I’m actually quite stupid and accept impressions easily.

I am going to ask you to sort out what you send me, though, as my files are getting somewhat cluttered and confused. I mean, please do feel free to discard those things you don’t want returning to you. Having said that, it is, of course, your choice, so you can always carry on just as you are….

What is my name?

Oh, I thought you knew……I am your subconscious!!!!!!


(Adapted from a piece by Margaret E. White)

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