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January 2015 Message

This month’s consideration: Full or Empty?
Does your life cry out for a change of diet? Especially after Christmas, do you feel overstuffed in some areas and underfed in others? If you tend to overbook your diary, see if you can leave some empty time in your schedule and see what happens when you don’t rush to fill it. If, on the other hand, you’re starved of nutriments such as rest, affection or meaningful employment, then make that your priority so that you give yourself a proper chance to taste the joy of fulfilment.

This month’s Affirmation
“My life is in balance. I am nourished by what matters to me and I leave room to sample the unexpected.”

This month’s Practice: Attracting New Energy
Be a creative contrarian. Make a decision to respond in ways that no one would normally expect from you. When your urge is to say, yes, say no. Where you habitually stand back, jump in. Stay silent if you’re generally bold. As you consciously take the opposite path from the one you’re conditioned to follow, notice the ways in which your life starts to open up.

This month’s Project: Create Inner Space
Just as there is no room for more furniture in a cluttered room, there is no room for a new ideas in a cluttered mind. Take an inventory of your mental attic. Examine the habitual responses and attitudes (or platitudes!) you’ve been storing up there. Do they fit the person you want to be and the life you aspire to live? Listen out for you inner voice telling you what to modify, remedy or eliminate.

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