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The Law of Attraction

Many people are now aware of the above universal law and are desperately deploying all sorts of magical, wishful thinking techniques to bring about their heart’s desire.

That’s not going to do it, I’m afraid, and it’s no party trick. Getting it right really does allow for the most amazing changes to be experienced in your life. You’ve got to get to grips with all the rules and principles though, and work with the universal forces that exist. There really is only One Infinite Power that gives you this – may that Force be with you and that you Live Long & Prosper!!


Understand the LOA Rules

  1. Positive thoughts and emotions attract only more positive things.
  2. Negative thoughts and emotions do the exact opposite and attract more negative things.
  3. You must trust that all things manifest in divine timing, i.e. when the universe is ready.
  4. Feeling gratitude brings more of the things you are truly grateful for.
  5. The feeling of wanting simply creates more wanting.
  6. You only attract what you are, how you feel and what you think.
  7. You are constantly putting energy out there into the universe – there is no off switch!


Understand the LOA Process

  1. You must create a crystal-clear vision.
  2. You must connect and align with the universe.
  3. You must feel grateful for everything – even the things you don’t like!
  4. You must surrender the outcome to the universe, completely.
  5. You must trust in divine timing and believe, without doubt, that all is on track.


Understand the LOA Success Model

  1. Stop relying on wishful thinking or luck.
  2. Focus on what you really, really want.
  3. Plan and take action accordingly.
  4. Visualise only your end goal.
  5. Practise positive affirmations.
  6. Be grateful to reinforce the feeling of gratitude as a habit.
  7. Meditate often to discipline the unruly mind.


Understand the LOA Application Model

  1. Decide what it is you want.
  2. Ask for it – even demand it. Life will hear you!
  3. Believe it’s already on its way.
  4. Take action – do not delay.
  5. Visualise your success.
  6. Internalise these amazing feelings.
  7. Feel grateful for receiving it.
  8. Prepare to receive it for real.


Now, go get ‘em, tiger!

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