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Inspirational Winners


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10 Questions for All of Us

“……and just when the caterpillar thought it was probably the end of the world, it turned into a butterfly…..”

10 questions to consider when faced with making that difficult transition:

  1. What do you REALLY want from life?
  2. What aspects of your life are working for you right now?
  3. What aspects are not working?
  4. Are there certain things you would like more of in your life?
  5. What do you want less of?
  6. What stops you from having everything you want?
  7. What motivates you?
  8. Do you want to make changes?
  9. Do you feel valued or loved?
  10. Are you happy with your spiritual beliefs (or lack of them) to the extent that you know you are somehow being kept safe at all times?

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