Why Change Fails
Ever wondered why that latest initiative may have taken a nose dive and bombed?
Here are some of the most predictable reasons why any change efforts may typically fail!
- People leading the change think that announcing the change is the same as implementing it.
- People’s concerns about change are not surfaced or addressed.
- Those being asked to change are not involved in planning the change.
- There is no compelling reason to change – the business case is not communicated.
- A compelling vision that excites people about the future has not been developed and communicated.
- The change leadership team does not include early adopters, resistors or informal leaders.
- The change is not piloted, so the organisation does not learn what is needed to support the change.
- Organisational systems and other initiatives are not aligned with the change.
- Leaders lose focus or fail to prioritise, causing “death by 1000 initiatives.”
- People are not enabled or encouraged to build new skills.
- Those leading the change are not credible – they under-communicate, give mixed messages and do not model the behaviours that the change requires.
- Progress is not measured or no-one recognises the changes that people have worked hard to so far implement.
- People are not held accountable for implementing the change.
- People leading the change fail to respect the power of the existing culture to kill the change.
- Possibilities and options are not explored before a specific change is chosen.