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May - The time to start planning holidays

This month’s consideration: Motion and Stillness
Life in the fast Lane has its charms, but for your sanity and health, you need to stop now and then and take those all-important holidays. Stillness, especially contemplative practice, helps you to concentrate and re-fuel. On the other hand, if you’ve burned a hole in your meditation cushion, get up and shake a leg. Movement sends oxygen to your brain, making you more alert. Combine motion and stillness on holiday and on your return, and you’ll be unstoppable!

This month’s Affirmation
“I move through life resolutely, seizing opportunities. I sit quietly to let my inner wisdom guide me.”

This month’s Practice: Standing like a Mountain
Tadasana – Sanskrit for “Mountain pose” – is a grounding practice. It fosters stillness and focus while strengthening your legs and back. Stand with your feet together, weight evenly distributed. Rest your arms at your sides, palms facing inward. Gently contract the muscles of your thighs, stomach and backside. Now draw your shoulders back and reach upward with the crown of your head, lengthening your neck and spine. Gaze straight ahead. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

This month’s Project: Get back into the Groove
Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion: that’s the Law of Inertia. So pick something physical, like dancing, and commit yourself to doing it. If it takes a few drinks while on holiday to get you into the mood, then so be it! Movement does more than keep your heart, lungs and joints in working order. It releases brain chemicals that sharpen your ability to process information and lift your mood. See if that doesn’t bring your life back into balance and help it run more smoothly.

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